Fitness over 40

Fitness over 40

Why is it so hard to lose weight during menopause?

Let’s talk honestly when a woman hasn’t had a menstrual cycle in 12 months you can officially say she’s in menopause. But let’s consider the prior to menopause stage because typically women find it difficult to lose weight in the perimenopausal stage as well which can take several years in advance of menopause.

So what is happening to your body during this Perimenopause and menopause stages? Hormones are fluctuating our levels of estrogen are rising and falling which can lead to more fat storage. Muscle mass can be decreased due to the lack of activity hormone fluctuations and aging we tend to lose muscle mass. I women tend to become more insulin resistance as they age making them susceptible to gaining fat. Women typically have a hard time sleeping during menopause due to night sweats. So many women complain of increased belly fat when they reach menopause. As women our fat storage shifts from hips and thighs to our belly. Increased belly fat leads to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So what do we do we treat a simple approach, nutrition, and exercise. Here are a few tips.

Tip #1

 Low carb eating! A low-carb eating works best for women in perimenopause and menopause because it is associated with a decrease in insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity is our body’s ability to use carbs for fuel instead of storing them as fat.

Tip #2

Incorporate high-intensity interval training into your workout 2 times a week it will have a tremendous benefit. Example of these would-be reformer pilates Barre Pilates and TRX suspension training all of which are considered to be low impact with the benefits of weight training.

Tip #3

Get enough sleep. Ways to help you sleep are incorporating tip one as well as tip two. Other helpful things are turning off electronics at least an hour before bedtime.

Tip #4

Lower your stress. In addition to increasing the risk of heart, disease stress leads to elevated cortisol levels which are associated with the increase of abdominal fat. Practicing yoga and other forms of self-care from the previous tips can all help to alleviate stress.
Although a losing weight may not be your primary goal it’s important that you make changes that can maintain over a long-term. It’s best to focus on health rather than the number on the scale. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you look and feel your absolute best during menopause and Beyond.