08 Feb Parent Baby Yoga Class
Why Every New Mom Should take a Parent Baby Yoga Class
Making time for yourself and getting out is so crucial to your mental and physical well-being. Parent and Baby Yoga classes are one of the best things a new mom can do to feel better overall. The benefits of Parent Baby Yoga are vast. “We recommend baby yoga for anyone who is looking for a healthy, playful bonding activity to do with a new baby,” Says Jeannee Young Co-Owner of Oak Street Studios Fitness Boutique.
Bond with Baby
One of the main reasons for taking a Parent Baby Yoga class is to explore ways to bond with your new bundle of joy. Sure you spend plenty of time with baby at home, but setting aside a specific amount of time each week to get out and try some gentle, playful stretches will help you learn to get to know each other better while providing a sense of security for baby. When a caregiver consistently responds to an infant’s needs, a trusting relationship and lifelong attachment develop. This sets the stage for the growing child to enter healthy relationships with other people throughout life and to appropriately experience and expresses a full range of emotions. During class, we sing songs and incorporate movement to strengthen the bond.

Singing fun songs and incorporating movement helps to bond with baby and improves language and motor development
Increase brain activity
A sleep-deprived mama can become quite forgetful. Have you heard of “Mom brain”? Yoga can help calm you down and make you feel relaxed. Spending some time by taking the focus inward in yoga poses helps increase brain activity and help your short-term memory get back on track.
Increase strength & energy-levels
One of the most obvious benefits of yoga is easing back into physical activities. Carrying, feeding and changing a baby all day can put a strain on your back, shoulders and posture Learning strengthening poses and stretches can help restore balance, improve posture and increase your energy levels.
Improve sleep
Ask any new mom what she wants most, and she’s sure to tell you that she’d love more sleep. The breathing techniques and relaxing poses practiced in yoga classes can help you sleep better at night. Not only does it help mommy get some much-needed Zzzs, attending a yoga class has also been shown to help babies sleep better. When babies participate in more physical and stimulating activities they tend to sleep for longer periods of time.
Alleviate gas and colic in baby
Yoga stretches and poses can help baby practice gross and fine-motor skills while aiding in digestion, constipation, gas and even colic! We sing songs and incorporate movement in our Parent Baby Yoga classes not only to strengthen the bond but also to develop those essential motor and language skills.
Fight postpartum depression
Let’s face it. Postpartum depression is real and can affect any new mom flooded with hormones and dealing with the reality of caring for the baby alone, once friends and family have left the hospital. Staying active and connecting with other moms and babies through yoga classes can help combat those feelings of loneliness and depression.
Joining a Parent Baby class provides the opportunity to meet and build friendships with other parents going through very similar emotions and experiences. It’s a great way to share stories or learn new tips. Many new moms are worried about taking their little ones out because of feeding concerns, noise or diaper changes. At your class, all of that is encouraged! The class objective is to create an inclusive environment and a mutually bonding experience for new parents and their babies. “At the beginning of our baby yoga classes, we always remind parents that taking care of their baby is the first priority and to not feel bad if their baby cries during class.” Says Jeannee.